Troubleshooting behind the counter is perfect training for a product guy, overworked and unsung. If it sounds less plush than the chief executive’s chair, that’s because it is. These days, tech founders, like Hollywood directors, are commonly hailed as visionaries — delivering, like Moses and his tablets, sweeping blueprints for the way forward. Goldman worked under three Twitter leaders, but fashioned a consistent role for himself. At strategy sessions, he said, the C.E.O. would articulate a broad but pithy vision, and sit down to applause. “I’m the guy who stands up next, and says what does that mean in terms of what we’re building over the next six months,” he said. That’s the gritty work of fielding questions, farming out assignments and reconciling disagreements. “Your presentation doesn’t sound as good. Your presentation doesn’t have grand, inspiring goals,” Goldman went on. “You’re the guy who stands up and says, next week we’re going to fix a bunch of bugs. You’re the person that’s managing the fallout from the grand vision.”
Didn’t know about Goldman, glad I do now.
The Silent Partner