Meet the men who spy on women through their webcams
Meet the men who spy on women through their webcams
“See! That shit keeps popping up on my fucking computer!” says a blond woman as she leans back on a couch, bottle-feeding a baby on her lap.
The woman is visible from thousands of miles away on a hacker’s computer. The hacker has infected her machine with a remote administration tool (RAT) that gives him access to the woman’s screen, to her webcam, to her files, to her microphone. He watches her and the baby through a small control window open on his Windows PC, then he decides to have a little fun. He enters a series of shock and pornographic websites and watches them appear on the woman’s computer.
Thrilling read in Ars Technica. This stuff is pretty scary.
Meet the men who spy on women through their webcams
“See! That shit keeps popping up on my fucking computer!” says a blond woman as she leans back on a couch, bottle-feeding a baby on her lap.
The woman is visible from thousands of miles away on a hacker’s computer. The hacker has infected her machine with a remote administration tool (RAT) that gives him access to the woman’s screen, to her webcam, to her files, to her microphone. He watches her and the baby through a small control window open on his Windows PC, then he decides to have a little fun. He enters a series of shock and pornographic websites and watches them appear on the woman’s computer.
Thrilling read in Ars Technica. This stuff is pretty scary.
By consolidating its remaining regional assets, Iran may be trying to strengthen its hand in the nuclear poker game it is playing with the international community. At a time when Washington is engineering a rapprochement between Turkey and Israel – respectively Iran’s greatest rival and enemy in the region – it makes sense.
Hizbollah, for all its military might, has been dented by scandals and setbacks, and faces an uncertain future. Its leaders are probably realistic enough to know the Assads cannot win and that they could be left on the wrong side of history. Both Iran and Hizbollah may be reading shifts within the dynamic stalemate of the Syrian conflict itself.
An insightful piece in the FT on the situation in Lebanon and the supposed spillover of the Syrian civil war. The macroeconomic approach is interesting.
By consolidating its remaining regional assets, Iran may be trying to strengthen its hand in the nuclear poker game it is playing with the international community. At a time when Washington is engineering a rapprochement between Turkey and Israel – respectively Iran’s greatest rival and enemy in the region – it makes sense.
Hizbollah, for all its military might, has been dented by scandals and setbacks, and faces an uncertain future. Its leaders are probably realistic enough to know the Assads cannot win and that they could be left on the wrong side of history. Both Iran and Hizbollah may be reading shifts within the dynamic stalemate of the Syrian conflict itself.
Troubleshooting behind the counter is perfect training for a product guy, overworked and unsung. If it sounds less plush than the chief executive’s chair, that’s because it is. These days, tech founders, like Hollywood directors, are commonly hailed as visionaries — delivering, like Moses and his tablets, sweeping blueprints for the way forward. Goldman worked under three Twitter leaders, but fashioned a consistent role for himself. At strategy sessions, he said, the C.E.O. would articulate a broad but pithy vision, and sit down to applause. “I’m the guy who stands up next, and says what does that mean in terms of what we’re building over the next six months,” he said. That’s the gritty work of fielding questions, farming out assignments and reconciling disagreements. “Your presentation doesn’t sound as good. Your presentation doesn’t have grand, inspiring goals,” Goldman went on. “You’re the guy who stands up and says, next week we’re going to fix a bunch of bugs. You’re the person that’s managing the fallout from the grand vision.”
Didn’t know about Goldman, glad I do now.
Troubleshooting behind the counter is perfect training for a product guy, overworked and unsung. If it sounds less plush than the chief executive’s chair, that’s because it is. These days, tech founders, like Hollywood directors, are commonly hailed as visionaries — delivering, like Moses and his tablets, sweeping blueprints for the way forward. Goldman worked under three Twitter leaders, but fashioned a consistent role for himself. At strategy sessions, he said, the C.E.O. would articulate a broad but pithy vision, and sit down to applause. “I’m the guy who stands up next, and says what does that mean in terms of what we’re building over the next six months,” he said. That’s the gritty work of fielding questions, farming out assignments and reconciling disagreements. “Your presentation doesn’t sound as good. Your presentation doesn’t have grand, inspiring goals,” Goldman went on. “You’re the guy who stands up and says, next week we’re going to fix a bunch of bugs. You’re the person that’s managing the fallout from the grand vision.”
Didn’t know about Goldman, glad I do now.
Chances are, the ideal day doesn’t come close to the one you’re having. That’s because few of us are living by the optimal 36:106 ratio, (which is 36 minutes of work to 106 minutes of sex) cited in a recent paper by Sebastian Pokutta and Christian Kroll titled, “Just a perfect day? Developing a happiness optimised day schedule.”
Clearly, this will not happen anytime soon for the vast majority of us. Funny how it is our choice.
Chances are, the ideal day doesn’t come close to the one you’re having. That’s because few of us are living by the optimal 36:106 ratio, (which is 36 minutes of work to 106 minutes of sex) cited in a recent paper by Sebastian Pokutta and Christian Kroll titled, “Just a perfect day? Developing a happiness optimised day schedule.”
Clearly, this will not happen anytime soon for the vast majority of us. Funny how it is our choice.
Baidu Maps might beat Street View in terms of magic.
I love that Baidu Maps are just Sim City 2000.

Baidu Maps might beat Street View in terms of magic.
I love that Baidu Maps are just Sim City 2000.

Nearly two years later, customers demand iCloud integration more than ever from third-party developers, but it’s a total mess to implement. “iCloud hasn’t worked out for us,” wrote Daniel Pasco, CEO of development studio Black Pixel this past week. “We spent a considerable amount of time on this effort, but iCloud and Core Data syncing had issues that we simply could not resolve.” Pocket lead developer Steve Streza piled on with a cutting tweet: “Remember that @blackpixel has many of the brightest people in Cocoa development. If they couldn’t get iCloud working, who can?”
Ellis Hamburger provides for The Verge the finest piece on why iCloud doesn’t work. Everything you need to know might be just there.
Apple’s broken promise: why doesn’t iCloud ‘just work’? | The Verge
Nearly two years later, customers demand iCloud integration more than ever from third-party developers, but it’s a total mess to implement. “iCloud hasn’t worked out for us,” wrote Daniel Pasco, CEO of development studio Black Pixel this past week. “We spent a considerable amount of time on this effort, but iCloud and Core Data syncing had issues that we simply could not resolve.” Pocket lead developer Steve Streza piled on with a cutting tweet: “Remember that @blackpixel has many of the brightest people in Cocoa development. If they couldn’t get iCloud working, who can?”
Ellis Hamburger provides for The Verge the finest piece on why iCloud doesn’t work. Everything you need to know might be just there.
Apple’s broken promise: why doesn’t iCloud ‘just work’? | The Verge
STFU, Parents - a blog of our times
STFU, Parents - a blog of our times
STFU, Parents is a submission-based “public service” blog that mocks parent overshare on social networking sites. It was created in March 2009 and is an entertainment destination for thousands of daily readers. The site serves as a guide for parents on what NOT to post about their kids as well as a forum for non-parents to vent about their TMI-related frustrations.
Funny how far people can go, analysing this kind of stuff and all.
STFU, Parents - a blog of our times
STFU, Parents is a submission-based “public service” blog that mocks parent overshare on social networking sites. It was created in March 2009 and is an entertainment destination for thousands of daily readers. The site serves as a guide for parents on what NOT to post about their kids as well as a forum for non-parents to vent about their TMI-related frustrations.
Funny how far people can go, analysing this kind of stuff and all.
The story about Summly’s 17-year old founder cashing out his company for $30,000,000 is fascinating because it makes no sense.
Yes, Vibhu, yes. His educated guess couldn’t be too far from the truth.
And something else. Vibhu edited his post to include just-in-case apologies to Nick (founder of Summly) and Yahoo! and insisted that the app was beautiful and cool. It is neither of those things, just try it and tell me if you can navigate around it intuitively.
The Summly deal makes no sense | philosophically by Vibhu Norby
The story about Summly’s 17-year old founder cashing out his company for $30,000,000 is fascinating because it makes no sense.
Yes, Vibhu, yes. His educated guess couldn’t be too far from the truth.
And something else. Vibhu edited his post to include just-in-case apologies to Nick (founder of Summly) and Yahoo! and insisted that the app was beautiful and cool. It is neither of those things, just try it and tell me if you can navigate around it intuitively.
The Summly deal makes no sense | philosophically by Vibhu Norby
What 2000 Calories Looks Like. Nicely done by Buzzfeed.
And if there’s even a 25 percent chance that Google Keep will be canceled in two years, do you really want to be the sucker who spent endless hours organizing your life around it?
Exactly: a problem Google created for itself, Google’s trust problem.
And if there’s even a 25 percent chance that Google Keep will be canceled in two years, do you really want to be the sucker who spent endless hours organizing your life around it?