
A color wheel composed of 649 Pokémons. 

Myth #2: “Sear your meat over high heat to lock in juices.”

The Theory: Searing the surface of a cut piece of meat will precipitate the formation of an impenetrable barrier, allowing your meat to retain more juices as it cooks.

The Reality: Searing produces no such barrier-liquid can still pass freely in and out of the surface of a seared steak. To prove this, I cooked two steaks to the exact same internal temperature (130^0F). One steak I seared first over hot coals and finished over the cooler side of the grill. The second steak I started on the cooler side, let it come to about ten degrees below its final target temperature, then finished it by giving it a sear over the hot side of a grill. If there is any truth to the searing story, then the steak that was seared first should retain more moisture. What I found is actually the exact opposite: the steak that is cooked gently first and finished with a sear will not only develop a deeper, darker crust (due to slightly drier outer layers-see Myth #1), but it also cooks more evenly from center to edge, thus limiting the amount of overcooked meat and producing a finished product that is juicier and more flavorful.

And 6 other myths about cooking steak. 

Myth #2: “Sear your meat over high heat to lock in juices.”

The Theory: Searing the surface of a cut piece of meat will precipitate the formation of an impenetrable barrier, allowing your meat to retain more juices as it cooks.

The Reality: Searing produces no such barrier-liquid can still pass freely in and out of the surface of a seared steak. To prove this, I cooked two steaks to the exact same internal temperature (130^0F). One steak I seared first over hot coals and finished over the cooler side of the grill. The second steak I started on the cooler side, let it come to about ten degrees below its final target temperature, then finished it by giving it a sear over the hot side of a grill. If there is any truth to the searing story, then the steak that was seared first should retain more moisture. What I found is actually the exact opposite: the steak that is cooked gently first and finished with a sear will not only develop a deeper, darker crust (due to slightly drier outer layers-see Myth #1), but it also cooks more evenly from center to edge, thus limiting the amount of overcooked meat and producing a finished product that is juicier and more flavorful.

And 6 other myths about cooking steak. 

How to compose a successful critical commentary

How to compose a successful critical commentary

How to compose a successful critical commentary


1. Attempt to re-express your target’s position so clearly, vividly and fairly that your target says: “Thanks, I wish I’d thought of putting it that way.”

2. List any points of agreement (especially if they are not matters of general or widespread agreement).

3. Mention anything you have learned from your target.

4. Only then are you permitted to say so much as a word of rebuttal or criticism.

Taken from Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking by Daniel Dennett. 

The break of the curveball

The break of the curveball

The break of the curveball


This optical illusion will blow your mind. (Sorry for not embedding it, it’s flash). 

Following a Star, Kerry Applies Personal Touch

Following a Star, Kerry Applies Personal Touch

Following a Star, Kerry Applies Personal Touch



A solid piece by Michael R. Gordon about how John Kerry is settling into his role as Secretary of State. One tech-related standout details Kerry’s attempt to defuse an issue with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan:

To make the point that Zionism was a valid nationalist movement and avoid turning the dispute into a test of wills, Mr. Kerry, who has known Mr. Erdogan since he was the mayor of Istanbul in the 1990s, took out an iPad and ran a Web search on the term.

Sort of interesting that Gordon would specifically note the iPad but not name the search engine. You’d think he’d say “tablet” and/or “Googled” (assuming, of course, it was Google).

An interesting article. About the fact that Gordon said iPad and not Google, it makes you wonder what the strongest brand is, and what this implies. 

This is a map of NYC by MapBox showing smartphone usage according to Twitter data. iPhone is red, Android green and Blackberry purple. 


This is a map of NYC by MapBox showing smartphone usage according to Twitter data. iPhone is red, Android green and Blackberry purple. 

The urge to eat and the urge to procreate are basic, natural and deliciously intertwined … and certainly no other method of seduction is as healthful or nourishing. No matter what else may go wrong, at least you’ve had a good meal.

It may be worth noting here the three sorts of appetite… as applicable to sexual hunger as to gastronomic.

  1. Appetite that comes from hunger. It makes no fuss over the food that satisfies it. If it is great enough, a piece of raw meat will appease it as easily as a roasted pheasant or a woodcock.
  2. Appetite aroused, hunger or no hunger, by a succulent dish appearing at the right moment, illustrating the proverb that hunger comes with eating.
  3. The type of appetite that is roused at the end of a meal when after normal hunger has been satisfied by the main courses, and the guest is truly ready to rise without regret, a delicious dish holds him to the table with a final tempting of his sensuality.

On the importance of knowing how to cook for your date. 

The urge to eat and the urge to procreate are basic, natural and deliciously intertwined … and certainly no other method of seduction is as healthful or nourishing. No matter what else may go wrong, at least you’ve had a good meal.

It may be worth noting here the three sorts of appetite… as applicable to sexual hunger as to gastronomic.

  1. Appetite that comes from hunger. It makes no fuss over the food that satisfies it. If it is great enough, a piece of raw meat will appease it as easily as a roasted pheasant or a woodcock.
  2. Appetite aroused, hunger or no hunger, by a succulent dish appearing at the right moment, illustrating the proverb that hunger comes with eating.
  3. The type of appetite that is roused at the end of a meal when after normal hunger has been satisfied by the main courses, and the guest is truly ready to rise without regret, a delicious dish holds him to the table with a final tempting of his sensuality.
On the importance of knowing how to cook for your date. 

An app that records what you heard five minutes ago

An app that records what you heard five minutes ago

An app that records what you heard five minutes ago


Have you ever wished that you could record something that already happened? Your kid’s first words. That perfectly timed comeback. The email address your boss told you to have those important documents sent to within the next 10 minutes. If only there was a way to record the important bits of your life, without having to record all of it.

That’s the idea behind Heard, a new app for iOS. Heard constantly records the audio around you into an ephemeral, self-destructing buffer, saving only those fleeting moments that you deem worthy.

Powerful, disruptive concept. How will they manage not to scare us? 

Fun fact of the day: lake Taal in the Phillipines is an island within a lake within an island within a lake within an island. 


Fun fact of the day: lake Taal in the Phillipines is an island within a lake within an island within a lake within an island. 

Canabalt, the story of a great iPhone game

Canabalt, the story of a great iPhone game

Canabalt, the story of a great iPhone game

www.newyorker.com/online/bl… macstoriesnet (MacStories)

Hundreds of metres above a burning city, a businessman crashes out of an office window. He arcs across the sky before curling into a stuntman’s tumble. He loses no momentum as he lands on the roof below and straightens into a sprint, his suit jacket flapping in the quickening wind. He leaps over a gap, his arms rotating like helicopter blades as he soars across it. He lands, and, accelerating again, continues to bolt from the unseen terror in pursuit. He miscalculates the next gap and leaps prematurely, then falls in slow motion toward a grisly death on the sidewalk below. A postmortem appears on the screen: “You ran 1533m before hitting a wall and tumbling to your death.” This is what it’s like to play Canabalt, a video game that has sparked an entirely new genre of play for mobile phones.

Amazing story, amazing game. 

With the latest experimental build, Dropbox has also implemented “Move to Dropbox,” a feature that ties in with contextual menus in OS X. When users command-click, or right click, on a file or folder, a new “Move to Dropbox” option will appear that links to their main Dropbox folder. The feature works with almost any file type and location in Finder.

Brilliant, can’t wait for this.