You must understand that without the French toast I am no good to the cast and crew. And I will not eat the French toast if it is not prepared the right way. If I do not eat the French toast, my blood sugar will drop to precariously low levels, and I will be groggy and unable to make the necessary split-second decisions a director has to make in order for a film to be successful. Therefore, it is essential that you understand something about the French toast: it is not only my breakfast, it is the film.
Stanley Kubrick gives guidelines to the new guy who makes his French toast.

Breaking Good.


Breaking Good.

I am informed that the Continental Congress have declared the United Colonies free and independent States.

This is the letter the United Kingdom (and the rest of Europe) received one month and a half after July 4, 1776. How could it take so long?

It was written by General William Howe and addressed to Lord George Germain

BREAKING: American Colonies Declare Independence

I am informed that the Continental Congress have declared the United Colonies free and independent States.

This is the letter the United Kingdom (and the rest of Europe) received one month and a half after July 4, 1776. How could it take so long?

It was written by General William Howe and addressed to Lord George Germain

BREAKING: American Colonies Declare Independence

Werner Herzog directed another interesting film, this one about the dangers of texting while driving. Here’s the film in its entirety.

It’s called From One Second To The Next.

Werner Herzog directed another interesting film, this one about the dangers of texting while driving. Here’s the film in its entirety.

It’s called From One Second To The Next.

What is the best fridge money can buy?

What is the best fridge money can buy?

What is the best fridge money can buy?…

The Sweethome is a nice website where people interested in those kinds of things write about gadgets and general appliances that will make your home sweet. 

Check out the rest of their website too.

David Bowie’s mugshot from his 1976 marijuana possession arrest.

Read the story via the source link.


David Bowie’s mugshot from his 1976 marijuana possession arrest.

Read the story via the source link.

Every second on the Internet

Every second on the Internet

Every second on the Internet

Facebook likes > Google searches. Both are meaningless compared to the number of emails sent. Check it out.

How to create a fake girlfriend using Instagram. Clever.


How to create a fake girlfriend using Instagram. Clever.

Some selfie indeed.


Some selfie indeed.

On the badassery of the Marquis de Lafayette

On the badassery of the Marquis de Lafayette

On the badassery of the Marquis de Lafayette…

How old was Lafayette when he fought to liberate the US from the British? 18. (And other interesting ages of founding fathers.)

For once, here is a praise of a frenchman by Americans:

Americans fucking love to talk shit about France and how we bailed their asses out after Germany kicked the holy living bejeezus out of them in World War II, but we tend to forget that if it wasn’t for France - and particularly a motherfucker known as the Marquis de Lafayette - we here in the States would all still be speaking with crazy unintelligible British accents and eating a whole lot of spotted dick on our buttered crumpets fish and chips.

The rest of the article is well worth a read.

In defense, you’re looking for the bad guys, or following money and influence,” he says. “It turns out that a lot of the graph processing work is pretty similar in dating.

This guy John Kleint was working on big data for the military, he is now making a dating app.

Make love, not war: a military contractor helps build a dating app | The Verge