During sleep, cells in the brain shrink by 60 percent, creating more space between the cells so the waste can be cleared better.
How sleep detoxes our brains. An interesting new research suggests that when you are awake, you are basically having a house party, and when you sleep, you are cleaning up afterwards. You can’t have both at the same time, and having too much of a party can be pretty harmful. 

This amazing GIF shows the most popular baby names for girls in the US since 1960.


This amazing GIF shows the most popular baby names for girls in the US since 1960.

How to help Touch ID recognise your finger more precisely

If you own an iPhone 5S and you use Touch ID to unlock it, you may have noticed that it sometimes displays a “try again” message, indicating that Touch ID did not recognise your finger. 

A beautiful tip shared by Lun Esex on Monday Note offers an elegant solution:

Register that one finger twice with TouchID, as if it were two different fingers. It will then have twice as many datasets to compare against that finger when using it to unlock the device.

How to help Touch ID recognise your finger more precisely

If you own an iPhone 5S and you use Touch ID to unlock it, you may have noticed that it sometimes displays a “try again” message, indicating that Touch ID did not recognise your finger. 

A beautiful tip shared by Lun Esex on Monday Note offers an elegant solution:

Register that one finger twice with TouchID, as if it were two different fingers. It will then have twice as many datasets to compare against that finger when using it to unlock the device.

How positivity affects success

How positivity affects success

How positivity affects success


The positive quotient (PQ) is, according to some research led by Shirzad Chamine, who graduated from the Stanford School of Business in 1988, is a more revealing factor of success than IQ or EQ. 

Here are some interesting tidbits from the article:

Psychologists have long observed a human tendency to attend disproportionately to the negatives, since our ancestors’ survival was aided when they noticed threats.


If negativity aids survival, positivity makes it possible to thrive. As a result, people with higher ratios of positive to negative emotions are more likely to flourish in life, experiencing better health, more satisfying relationships and greater professional achievement.

This is a quantum computer that Google will operate with Nasa to answer really complex questions. 

This is a quantum computer that Google will operate with Nasa to answer really complex questions. 

A secret formula for designing successful Kickstarter campaigns

A secret formula for designing successful Kickstarter campaigns

A secret formula for designing successful Kickstarter campaigns


On average, they were mentioned in 73 tweets (compared to an average of 20 for failed campaigns), they had an average of 262 backers (compared to just 25 in failed campaigns), their average goal was $9,600 (compared to an average $35,000 for failed campaigns), and successful campaigns received 217% of goal funding (compared to 11.4% in failed campaigns).

Vincent Etter, a PhD candidate from Switzerland has decided to make a website called Sidekick in which the probability of success of Kickstarter campaigns is measured in realtime. 

Take a look if you ever want to start a Kickstarter campaign.

The size of Apple’s new campus. It’s the black circle. 

Follow the source link for more info. 


The size of Apple’s new campus. It’s the black circle. 

Follow the source link for more info. 

why was the bra cut off the body? Were Knox and Sollecito on hard drugs? What were the couple up to at six in the morning the day after the murder? What was the mop for? (Sollecito mentioned the spill in a phone call to his dad at 8.40 on the night of the murder – it must have dried out by the morning.) What kind of man covers the body of the woman he’s just murdered with a sheet, then goes and takes a shit and forgets to use the flush?

Nothing fits is a long and thorough piece by Nick Richardson for the London Review of Books about the murder of Meredith Kercher by, supposedly, Amanda Knox and her Italian boyfriend. Read it, and you’ll know everything about this story. 

This story is quite literally amazing—because of the youth of the people involved in it and the mysteries that still linger on—and is surprisingly more complex than fiction thrillers. Where are you Sherlock? 

why was the bra cut off the body? Were Knox and Sollecito on hard drugs? What were the couple up to at six in the morning the day after the murder? What was the mop for? (Sollecito mentioned the spill in a phone call to his dad at 8.40 on the night of the murder – it must have dried out by the morning.) What kind of man covers the body of the woman he’s just murdered with a sheet, then goes and takes a shit and forgets to use the flush?

Nothing fits is a long and thorough piece by Nick Richardson for the London Review of Books about the murder of Meredith Kercher by, supposedly, Amanda Knox and her Italian boyfriend. Read it, and you’ll know everything about this story. 

This story is quite literally amazing—because of the youth of the people involved in it and the mysteries that still linger on—and is surprisingly more complex than fiction thrillers. Where are you Sherlock? 

This is the hardest golf hole in the world. You are on top of a mountain, about 420m higher than the hole. You can only access the spot via helicopter. 

On the upside, if you do a hole in one, you get one million dollars. 

This is the hardest golf hole in the world. You are on top of a mountain, about 420m higher than the hole. You can only access the spot via helicopter. 

On the upside, if you do a hole in one, you get one million dollars. 

The plans to use nuclear weapons to blow up incoming asteroids

The plans to use nuclear weapons to blow up incoming asteroids

The plans to use nuclear weapons to blow up incoming asteroids


When planetary scientist H. Jay Melosh attended a meeting between nuclear weapons designers from the United States and the former Soviet Union in May 1995, he was surprised by how eagerly the ex-Cold Warriors sought to work together against an unlikely but dangerous extraterrestrial threat: asteroids on a collision course with Earth.

If you want to become a vegetarian but waited for something to convince you, watch this.