There’s just a tremendous amount of craftsmanship in between a great idea and a great product
Steve Jobs back in 1995.

What women want on the dance floor, according to science.


What women want on the dance floor, according to science.

Your phone will read people’s emotions better than you ever could

Your phone will read people’s emotions better than you ever could

Your phone will read people’s emotions better than you ever could…

Using a combination of facial recognition software and machine learning algorithms, researchers have trained computers to be dramatically better than humans at reading pained facial expressions.

I originally thought we, as humans, could understand basic emotions very naturally but research has shown that we’re right only ±50% of the time.

Google Will Eat Itself

Google Will Eat Itself

Google Will Eat Itself

We generate money by serving Google text advertisments on a network of hidden Websites. With this money we automatically buy Google shares. We buy Google via their own advertisment! Google eats itself - but in the end “we” own it!

Here’s a nice thought.

Prototyping with Facebook Origami

Prototyping with Facebook Origami

Prototyping with Facebook Origami

Great introduction, if you need one.

Food maps.


Food maps.

Interviews with interesting people

Interviews with interesting people

Interviews with interesting people

Interviews with interesting people, pulled from reddit, organized, and made prettier

Awesome stuff.

Blue Note album covers are wonderful. 


Blue Note album covers are wonderful. 

WhatsApp is Different

WhatsApp is Different

WhatsApp is Different…

Here are charts on the exceptionality of Whatsapp, by Om Malik.

How Medium Took Calculated Design Risks--And Won

How Medium Took Calculated Design Risks–And Won

How Medium Took Calculated Design Risks–And Won…

Anyone creating content is constantly looking for that “aha!” moment–when the project comes alive and makes sense. For Petty, that doesn’t come from gathering screen shots of other people’s work or making everything work on paper. It comes from trying things that might not work, mistake after mistake until the mistakes line up and everything fits.

Dann Petty did some UI work for Medium and is now leading design at Hum.

The End of the ‘Developing World’

The End of the ‘Developing World’