Improving Your Information Architecture With Card Sorting: A Beginner’s Guide…

Quite a comprehensive piece.

Yes, this app actually exists.


Yes, this app actually exists.

Apple Pay is the first step in Apple's financial services takeover

Apple Pay is the first step in Apple’s financial services takeover

Apple Pay is the first step in Apple’s financial services takeover…

Apple Pay is a huge deal – much bigger than iWatch – and no one is talking about it enough

And here is a nice summary by Andrew Finn for Wait but Why?

AMPY: Power your devices from your motion by AMPY

AMPY: Power your devices from your motion by AMPY

AMPY: Power your devices from your motion by AMPY…

This is really cool. Will probably achieve mainstream success when miniaturised, more efficient and aesthetically more pleasing.

The app links up with the Rotten Tomatoes API, and at the moment its algorithms make suggestions based on film titles you input. You could also use actors, directors, genres and other parameters.

Movie Night, an app developed at TC Disrupt hackathon enables you and your friends to collaboratively decide on a movie to watch. You know, in order to avoid the endless debate. Does it work in real life scenarios I don’t know. But I sure would like to give it a try.

The app links up with the Rotten Tomatoes API, and at the moment its algorithms make suggestions based on film titles you input. You could also use actors, directors, genres and other parameters.
Movie Night, an app developed at TC Disrupt hackathon enables you and your friends to collaboratively decide on a movie to watch. You know, in order to avoid the endless debate. Does it work in real life scenarios I don’t know. But I sure would like to give it a try.

White privilege is the right of whites, and only whites, to be judged as individuals, to be treated as a unique self, possessed of all the rights and protections of citizenship. I am not a race, I am the unmarked subject. I am simply man, whereas you might be a black man, an asian woman, a disabled native man, a homosexual latina woman, and on and on the qualifiers of identification go.

Brilliant piece which cleverly sums up the issue.

White privilege is the right of whites, and only whites, to be judged as individuals, to be treated as a unique self, possessed of all the rights and protections of citizenship. I am not a race, I am the unmarked subject. I am simply man, whereas you might be a black man, an asian woman, a disabled native man, a homosexual latina woman, and on and on the qualifiers of identification go.
Brilliant piece which cleverly sums up the issue.

Drop-Down Button vs. Split Button

Drop-Down Button vs. Split Button

The Best Gear for Small Apartments…

Nice stuff.

Drop-Down Button vs. Split Button…

Interestingly, I think the former is best suited for most design objectives, as it integrates with the user’s flow (the user can’t ignore the choice). Whereas with the split button, the choice is optional.

How do you design for iPhone 6 and 6+?

How do you design for iPhone 6 and 6+?

How do you design for iPhone 6 and 6+?…

Crowdsourcing iOS design tips on Designer News.

What It Takes to Produce One Ton of Chicken

What It Takes to Produce One Ton of Chicken

What It Takes to Produce One Ton of Chicken…

Surprisingly, producing a ton of free-range chicken is more detrimental to the environment than “conventional” chicken.

Product design redux

Actually, I’ve came across this and it changed my vision of things. 

Product design redux

Actually, I’ve came across this and it changed my vision of things.