The Risky Business of Onboarding

The Risky Business of Onboarding

The Risky Business of Onboarding…

Some great insight on building better onboarding experiences. 

iOS Design Rules to Break

iOS Design Rules to Break

iOS Design Rules to Break…

Some things we all do apparently fail usability tests conducted by the NN Group. The arguments are indeed quite convincing. 

Django Reinhardt lost two of his fingers in an accident. Same goes for Black Sabbath’s guitarist Tony Iommi.

Neither stopped playing. 

Here’s more on the matter

Django Reinhardt lost two of his fingers in an accident. Same goes for Black Sabbath’s guitarist Tony Iommi.

Neither stopped playing. 

Here’s more on the matter

It seems like we managed to reveal a glimmer of self-awareness in robots. 

Here’s Quartz on the matter: 

Bringsjord programmed three robots to think that two of them had been given a special “dumbing pill” that would not allow them to speak. Their task was to identify which robots received the pill. When the Nao robot on the right tried to speak, it heard its voice, and its voice alone. That’s when it waved its hand and said: “I know now. I was able to prove that I was not given a dumbing pill.

It seems like we managed to reveal a glimmer of self-awareness in robots. 

Here’s Quartz on the matter: 

Bringsjord programmed three robots to think that two of them had been given a special “dumbing pill” that would not allow them to speak. Their task was to identify which robots received the pill. When the Nao robot on the right tried to speak, it heard its voice, and its voice alone. That’s when it waved its hand and said: “I know now. I was able to prove that I was not given a dumbing pill.

A Watch OS idea

Consider this.

Jane has an Apple Watch, she travels often and has a weather complication on her Watch Face. Jane took a plane from New-York to London. She just landed in London. 

Her watch changes the time automatically.

However, Jane has to go to her Apple Watch app on her iPhone and change the weather manually. 

This is cumbersome. 

Apple Watch should have a setting which would allow automatic detection and change of the weather complication based on the user’s current location.

(Not the biggest experience problem of the Apple Watch? It’s all about the details, man.)

A Watch OS idea

Consider this.

Jane has an Apple Watch, she travels often and has a weather complication on her Watch Face. Jane took a plane from New-York to London. She just landed in London. 

Her watch changes the time automatically.

However, Jane has to go to her Apple Watch app on her iPhone and change the weather manually. 

This is cumbersome. 

Apple Watch should have a setting which would allow automatic detection and change of the weather complication based on the user’s current location.

(Not the biggest experience problem of the Apple Watch? It’s all about the details, man.)

Nearly one in six college students has been diagnosed with or treated for anxiety within the last 12 months, according to the annual national survey by the American College Health Association.

The causes range widely, experts say, from mounting academic pressure at earlier ages to overprotective parents to compulsive engagement with social media. Anxiety has always played a role in the developmental drama of a student’s life, but now more students experience anxiety so intense and overwhelming that they are seeking professional counseling.

Anxious Students Strain College Mental Health Centers -

Nearly one in six college students has been diagnosed with or treated for anxiety within the last 12 months, according to the annual national survey by the American College Health Association.

The causes range widely, experts say, from mounting academic pressure at earlier ages to overprotective parents to compulsive engagement with social media. Anxiety has always played a role in the developmental drama of a student’s life, but now more students experience anxiety so intense and overwhelming that they are seeking professional counseling.


American Civil War veterans in 1925 vs. Vietnam war veterans in 2010

What I love about the picture of Civil war veterans is the disturbing feeling of modernity emanating from it. It’s hard to believe these old men in spectacle have fought in a mid-19th century war founded on the question of slavery. The victory of the Union was to engage a whole nation in its slow path towards equal rights and industrialization.

Almost a 100 years later the great-grandsons of those men fought in a far away land for a different ideology, an economic one. And this time the stage was global. However the outcome once again was a victory by the American-led capitalist ideology.

Those two pictures have in common that they show the winners of History, as in the ones writing it. Groups of men who did their part in making History take one course rather than the other.

The hats, you’ll have noticed, have changed dramatically.

1. April 21, 1923 - Conyngham Post, G. A. R., observes its fifty-sixth anniversary; about forty veterans of the Civil War, together with many friends, present.

2. Vietnam veterans at Washburn, North Dakota



American Civil War veterans in 1925 vs. Vietnam war veterans in 2010

What I love about the picture of Civil war veterans is the disturbing feeling of modernity emanating from it. It’s hard to believe these old men in spectacle have fought in a mid-19th century war founded on the question of slavery. The victory of the Union was to engage a whole nation in its slow path towards equal rights and industrialization.

Almost a 100 years later the great-grandsons of those men fought in a far away land for a different ideology, an economic one. And this time the stage was global. However the outcome once again was a victory by the American-led capitalist ideology.

Those two pictures have in common that they show the winners of History, as in the ones writing it. Groups of men who did their part in making History take one course rather than the other.

The hats, you’ll have noticed, have changed dramatically.

1. April 21, 1923 - Conyngham Post, G. A. R., observes its fifty-sixth anniversary; about forty veterans of the Civil War, together with many friends, present.

2. Vietnam veterans at Washburn, North Dakota

The Shake Shack Economy

The Shake Shack Economy

The Shake Shack Economy…

As Starbucks did for coffee, Chipotle and Shake Shack have changed people’s expectations of what fast food can be. The challenge for the old chains is that new expectations spread. Millennials, for instance, have become devoted fast-casual customers. So McDonald’s is now experimenting with greater customization, and has said that it would like to rely entirely on “sustainable beef.” The question is whether you can inject an emphasis on taste and freshness into a business built around cheapness and convenience. After decades in which fast-food chains perfected the “fast,” can they now improve the “food”?

A very interesting read. 

What hardly anyone’s spending on is pollution—even though it’s the most lethal force on the planet, killing nearly 8.9 million people in 2012, the last year for which there was data.

Did you know?

What hardly anyone’s spending on is pollution—even though it’s the most lethal force on the planet, killing nearly 8.9 million people in 2012, the last year for which there was data.
Did you know?

The Psychologist’s View of UX Design

The Psychologist’s View of UX Design

The Psychologist’s View of UX Design…

Excellent, concise tips on software design in general.