- “Go fuck yourself” - Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada), in the White House lobby before a meeting with President Obama and congressional party leaders on the fiscal cliff. The story leaked after Boehner bragged about the incident to House Republicans
- “Fuck yourself” - Vice President Dick Cheney to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), after Leahy publicly questioned Cheney’s ties to the Halliburton oil company
- “Fuck you! I know more about this than anyone else in the room” - Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) to Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) during closed-door negotiations on immigration reform in 2007.
- “This is a big fucking deal” - Vice President Joe Biden, whispering in President Barack Obama’s ear after introducing him before a speech on healthcare reform
- “I don’t give a fucking damn!” - then- Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, after he told an aide to get off the plane in the midst of an argument, and the aide pointed out that they were over the ocean
- “Y’all talkin’ about Iraq? Fuck Saddam, we’re taking him out” -President George W. Bush, walking into a meeting with his national security advisors
- “This is a fucking coup d’état!” -President Bill Clinton to Vice President Al Gore after the Monica Lewinsky story first broke
- “This is important. Don’t fuck it up” -Rahm Emanuel, senior advisor to President Clinton, to British Prime Minister Tony Blair before an appearance with Clinton during the Lewinsky Scandal
- “I’m fucking good enough. I’m fucking smart enough, and goddamn it, people fear me” -Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, pumping himself up in front of the mirror before a speech
- “I don’t need Bush’s tax cut. I’ve never worked a fucking day in my life” -Congressman Patrick Kennedy (D-Rhode Island) making a self-deprecating joke during a democratic fundraiser
- “Did I expect George Bush to fuck it up as badly as he did? I don’t think anybody did” -Senator John Kerry (D-Massachusetts), explaining his Iraq War vote to Rolling Stone magazine in December 2003
- “John is substantively more sure-footed than he is politically adept. My plea to John is: ‘John, I don’t want to hear you explain another fucking thing. Be declarative.’ And he’ll say to me, ‘Well, I’ll say it and explain it.’ I say, ‘Don’t explain it! Say it! Question and answer, period.” -then Senator Joe Biden (D-Delaware), on longtime friend John Kerry in 2004
- “This is a fucking valuable thing…I’ve got this thing and its fucking golden, and I’m just not giving it up for fucking nothing” -Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, during a wiretapped phone call in which he tried to sell Barack Obama’s former Senate seat
- “Well, this is obviously a fuck up” -President John F. Kennedy, after reading an outrageous article in the Washington Post
- “Fuck your parliament and your constitution. America is an elephant. Cyprus is a flea. Greece is a flea. If these two fellows continue itching the elephant they may just get whacked by the elephant’s trunk, whacked good” -President Lyndon B. Johnson, to Greek ambassador Alexandros Matsos after he objected to the U.S. plans for Cyprus
- “Fuck you!” -Chicago Mayor Richard Daley to Senator Abraham Ribicoff (D-Connecticut) after a speech at the 1968 Democratic National Convention
- “Listen, I’m a fucking steamroller, and I’ll roll over you and anybody else” -New York Governor Elliot Spitzer, to Assembly Minority Leader James Tedisco
In reality, a particular shade of a color, say pink, can look darker when surrounded by some colors, lighter when surrounded by another, crisp in one context, and difficult to read in another. Picking one absolute value for it doesn’t actually deliver what it’s supposed to: consistency. The job of the good designer is to deliver a great design based on context. If the goal is consistency, then the designer should have the freedom to adjust that color to get that to happen, again working back from the context to the solution.
Insightful writing by Atrin Assa.

American Civil War veterans in 1925 vs. Vietnam war veterans in 2010
What I love about the picture of Civil war veterans is the disturbing feeling of modernity emanating from it. It’s hard to believe these old men in spectacle have fought in a mid-19th century war founded on the question of slavery. The victory of the Union was to engage a whole nation in its slow path towards equal rights and industrialization.
Almost a 100 years later the great-grandsons of those men fought in a far away land for a different ideology, an economic one. And this time the stage was global. However the outcome once again was a victory by the American-led capitalist ideology.
Those two pictures have in common that they show the winners of History, as in the ones writing it. Groups of men who did their part in making History take one course rather than the other.
The hats, you’ll have noticed, have changed dramatically.
1. April 21, 1923 - Conyngham Post, G. A. R., observes its fifty-sixth anniversary; about forty veterans of the Civil War, together with many friends, present.
2. Vietnam veterans at Washburn, North Dakota
Run usability testing with 5 peeps, no more. You get efficiency by testing with a limited number of users, many times.

Some very rich peeps are building next-level size mansions in LA. Read the article if you fancy, it’s mind-boggling.

The idea that a system cannot generate enough heat to sustain itself indefinitely is in doubt. If you’d like to know more, download and read this PDF:

Yes, this app actually exists.

Food maps.

Beatles & Dylan songs in pictograms. How many can you guess?
If Game of Thrones characters had Facebook profiles.

Stunning macro photographs of the elements of the periodic table by Japanese photographer R. Tanaka. Pair with BBC’s volatile history of chemistry and Theodore Gray’s magnificent photographs of the elements.
This is the Breakfast Sandwich Maker and for $29.99, it will change the way you prepare bacon and egg sandwiches in the morning.
Get it here.

Ok so Daft Punk changed their website, confirmed its signing with Columbia Records and uploaded an image (see above). The world trembled. I conclude that they still have it. A new album must be on the way, come on now.

The best countries to be born in are small, peaceful, homogenous, liberal democracies.Study evaluates the best and worst countries to be born in, based on 11 indicators.

How average Americans versus Hillary Clinton spend their time. No wonder why she’s quite tired since she spends more time in an airplane than the time average Americans read, eat and drink or do the chores.

Acceptance of evolution, by country.
Just keeping looking towards the bottom to find the US. We’re second least-believing, just ahead of Turkey.
From National Geographic, via DailyKos

The Greatest F-Bombs of American Politics (pictured: Vice President Nelson Rockefeller gives protestors at a 1976 rally the middle finger)

Typography patron saint Jonathan Hoefler remixes a vintage teacher’s aid chart titled “The Child” with Milton Glaser’s iconic Dylan poster.

Minimalist but dramatic black-and-white science imagery by legendary photographer Berenice Abbott circa 1958-1960.

New work by autistic savant Gregory Blackstock, who draws stunning, obsessive visual lists. A fine addition to The Big New Yorker Book of Dogs.